Herbal mixtures for detox

Basic description

Herbal composition FG is intended for complex body cleanse. Body detox is a basic principle of body recovery and therefore we must pay special attention to it. Without a complete body detox you will never recover permanently.

In each mixture, one part of the herbs is designed to cleanse specific organs. This will keep the organs clean during the recovery cycle. The second part of herbs provides the body with necessary minerals, vitamins and enzymes which will organism take in as necessary nutrients. Herbs also provide cellular regeneration.

At the beginning, we have to get rid of parasites and worms, then of sediments, mucus, toxic poisons, drugs that are the source of various diseases and inflammation.

Parts of pack

1. Herbal mixture for cleanse against parasites

It destroys all parasites in the body, microorganisms, parasitic worms, protozoa, thread worms.

2. Herbal mixture for stomach and intestinal detox

It destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi in the intestines and stomach. Renews and regenerates the digestive tract. Detoxifies kidneys, bladder, thyroid, liver and gallbladder of toxins, fat, mucus deposits and mineral deposits.

3. Herbal mixture for blood cleansing, blood flow, heart, vessels, capillaries, brain and nervous system

It strengthens the blood, removes dirt, alkalizes blood and tissues, and treats the inflammation of blood vessels and capillaries. It helps to remove the deposits of minerals, metals and lipids from blood, enhances blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.

4. Herbal mixture for adrenal, pancreas, lung, skin and joints cleansing

It strengthens the adrenal regeneration, alkalizes and removes inflammation, detoxifies lung and skin tissues of toxins and mucus and supports their regeneration.

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